For historical reasons, we allow one exception to the above rules:
the curly braces for the controlled statement or the line breaks inside
the curly braces may be omitted if as a result the entire statement
appears on either a single line (in which case there is a space between
the closing parenthesis and the controlled statement) or on two lines
(in which case there is a line break after the closing parenthesis and
there are no braces).
LLD, the LLVM linker, is a mature
and fast linker supporting multiple binary formats (ELF, Mach-O,
PE/COFF, WebAssembly). Designed as a standalone program, the code base
relies heavily on global state, making it less than ideal for library
integration. As outlined in RFC:
Revisiting LLD-as-a-library design, two main hurdles exist:
Fatal errors: they exit the process without returning control to the
caller. This was actually addressed for most scenarios in 2020 by
utilizing llvm::sys::Process::Exit(val, /*NoCleanup=*/true)
and CrashRecoveryContext (longjmp under the
Global variable conflicts: shared global variables do not allow two
concurrent invocation.
I understand that calling a linker API could be convenient,
especially when you want to avoid shipping another executable (which can
be large when you link against LLVM statically). However, I believe that
invoking LLD as a separate process remains the recommended approach.
There are several advantages:
Build system control: Build systems gain greater control over
scheduling and resource allocation for LLD. In an edit-compile-link
cycle, the link could need more resources and threading is more
Better parallelism management
Global state isolation: LLVM's global state (primarily
cl::opt and ManagedStatic) is isolated.
LLVM's C++ API doesn't offer a stability guarantee. This means
function signatures can change or be removed between versions, forcing
projects to adapt.
On the other hand, LLVM has an extensive API surface. When a library
like llvm/lib/Y relies functionality from another library,
the API is often exported in header files under
llvm/include/llvm/X/, even if it is not intended to be
To be compatible with multiple LLVM versions, many projects rely on
#if directives based on the LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR
macro. This post explores the specific techniques used by ccls to ensure
compatibility with LLVM versions 7 to 19. For the latest release (ccls
0.20241108), support for LLVM versions 7 to 9 has been
Given the tight coupling between LLVM and Clang, the
LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR macro can be used for both version
detection. There's no need to check
After migrating from
Vim to Emacs as my primary C++ editor in 2015, I switched from Vim
to Neovim for miscellaneous non-C++ tasks as it is more convenient in a
terminal. Customizing the editor with a language you are comfortable
with is important. I found myself increasingly drawn to Neovim's
terminal-based simplicity for various tasks. Recently, I've refined my
Neovim setup to the point where I can confidently migrate my entire C++
workflow away from Emacs.
This post explores the key improvements I've made to achieve this
transition. My focus is on code navigation.
I've spent countless hours writing and reading C++ code. For many
years, Emacs has been my primary editor, and I leverage ccls' (my C++ language
server) rainbow semantic highlighting feature.
The feature relies on two custom notification messages
$ccls/publishSemanticHighlight and
$ccls/publishSemanticHighlight provides a list of symbols,
each with kind information (function, type, or variable) of itself and
its semantic parent (e.g. a member function's parent is a class),
storage duration, and a list of ranges.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
structCclsSemanticHighlightSymbol { int id = 0; SymbolKind parentKind; SymbolKind kind; uint8_t storage; std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> ranges;
std::vector<lsRange> lsRanges; // Only used by vscode-ccls };
An editor can use consistent colors to highlight different
occurrences of a symbol. Different colors can be assigned to different
Tobias Pisani created emacs-cquery (the predecessor to emacs-ccls) in
Nov 2017. Despite not being a fan of Emacs Lisp, I added the rainbow
semantic highlighting feature for my own use in early 2018. My setup
also relied heavily on these two settings:
Bolding and underlining variables of static duration storage
Key symbol properties (member, static) were visually prominent in my
Emacs environment.
My Emacs hacking days are a distant memory – beyond basic
configuration tweaks, I haven't touched elisp code since 2018. As my
Elisp skills faded, I increasingly turned to Neovim for various editing
tasks. Naturally, I wanted to migrate my C++ development workflow to
Neovim as well. However, a major hurdle emerged: Neovim lacked the
beloved rainbow highlighting I enjoyed in Emacs.
Thankfully, Neovim supports "semantic tokens" from LSP 3.16, a
standardized approach adopted by many editors.
I've made changes to ccls (available on a
branch; PR)
to support semantic tokens. This involves adapting the
$ccls/publishSemanticHighlight code to additionally support
textDocument/semanticTokens/full and
I utilize a few token modifiers (static,
classScope, functionScope,
namespaceScope) for highlighting:
1 2 3 4 5
vim.cmd([[ hi @lsp.mod.classScope.cpp gui=italic hi @lsp.mod.static.cpp gui=bold hi @lsp.typemod.variable.namespaceScope.cpp gui=bold,underline ]])
treesitter, tokyonight-moon
While this approach is a significant improvement over relying solely
on nvim-treesitter, I'm still eager to implement rainbow semantic
tokens. Although LSP semantic tokens don't directly distinguish symbols,
we can create custom modifiers to achieve similar results.
In the user-provided initialization options, I set
highlight.rainbow to 10.
ccls assigns the same modifier ID to tokens belonging to the same
symbol, aiming for unique IDs for different symbols. While we only have
a few predefined IDs (each linked to a specific color), there's a slight
possibility of collisions. However, this is uncommon and generally
For a token with type variable, Neovim's built-in LSP
plugin assigns a highlight group$i.cpp where $i is an
integer between 0 and 9. This allows us to customize a unique foreground
color for each modifier ID.
local func_colors = { '#e5b124', '#927754', '#eb992c', '#e2bf8f', '#d67c17', '#88651e', '#e4b953', '#a36526', '#b28927', '#d69855', } local type_colors = { '#e1afc3', '#d533bb', '#9b677f', '#e350b6', '#a04360', '#dd82bc', '#de3864', '#ad3f87', '#dd7a90', '#e0438a', } local param_colors = { '#e5b124', '#927754', '#eb992c', '#e2bf8f', '#d67c17', '#88651e', '#e4b953', '#a36526', '#b28927', '#d69855', } local var_colors = { '#429921', '#58c1a4', '#5ec648', '#36815b', '#83c65d', '#419b2f', '#43cc71', '#7eb769', '#58bf89', '#3e9f4a', } local all_colors = { class = type_colors, constructor = func_colors, enum = type_colors, enumMember = var_colors, field = var_colors, ['function'] = func_colors, method = func_colors, parameter = param_colors, struct = type_colors, typeAlias = type_colors, typeParameter = type_colors, variable = var_colors } fortype, colors inpairs(all_colors) do for i = 1,#colors do for _, lang inpairs({'c', 'cpp'}) do vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, string.format('', type, i-1, lang), {fg=colors[i]}) end end end
vim.cmd([[ hi @lsp.mod.classScope.cpp gui=italic hi @lsp.mod.static.cpp gui=bold hi @lsp.typemod.variable.namespaceScope.cpp gui=bold,underline ]])
Now, let's analyze the C++ code above using this configuration.
While the results are visually pleasing, I need help implementing
code lens functionality.
Inactive code highlighting
Inactive code regions (skipped ranges in Clang) are typically
displayed in grey. While this can be helpful for identifying unused
code, it can sometimes hinder understanding the details. I simply
disabled the inactive code feature.
1 2 3 4 5
#ifdef X ... // colorful #else ... // normal instead of grey #endif
When opening a large project, the initial indexing or cache loading
process can be time-consuming, often leading to empty lists of semantic
tokens for the initially opened files. While ccls prioritizes indexing
these files, it's unclear how to notify the client to refresh the files.
The existing workspace/semanticTokens/refresh request,
unfortunately, doesn't accept text document parameters.
In contrast, with $ccls/publishSemanticHighlight, ccls
proactively sends the notification after an index update (see
// Update indexed content, skipped ranges, and semantic highlighting. if (update->files_def_update) { auto &def_u = *update->files_def_update; if (WorkingFile *wfile = wfiles->getFile(def_u.first.path)) { wfile->setIndexContent(g_config->index.onChange ? wfile->buffer_content : def_u.second); QueryFile &file = db->files[update->file_id]; // Publish notifications to the file. emitSkippedRanges(wfile, file); emitSemanticHighlight(db, wfile, file); // But how do we send a workspace/semanticTokens/refresh request????? } } }
While the semantic token request supports partial results in the
specification, Neovim lacks this implementation. Even if it were, I
believe a notification message with a text document parameter would be a
more efficient and direct approach.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
exportinterfaceSemanticTokensParamsextendsWorkDoneProgressParams, PartialResultParams { /** * The text document. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; }
We require assistance to eliminate the
$ccls/publishSemanticHighlight feature and adopt built-in
semantic tokens support. Due to the lack of active maintenance for
vscode-ccls, I'm unable to maintain this plugin for an editor I don't
frequently use.
I use a trick to switch ccls builds without changing editor
In object files, certain code patterns embed data within instructions
or transitions occur between instruction sets. This can create hurdles
for disassemblers, which might misinterpret data as code, resulting in
inaccurate output. Furthermore, code written for one instruction set
could be incorrectly disassembled as another. To address these issues,
some architectures (Arm, C-SKY, NDS32, RISC-V, etc) define mapping
symbols to explicitly denote state transition. Let's explore this
concept using an AArch32 code example:
Within the LLVM project, MC is a library responsible for handling
assembly, disassembly, and object file formats. Intro
to the LLVM MC Project, which was written back in 2010, remains a
good source to understand the high-level structures.
In the latest release cycle, substantial effort has been dedicated to
refining MC's internal representation for improved performance and
readability. These changes have decreased compile
time significantly. This blog post will delve into the details,
providing insights into the specific changes.