tl;dr Clang 19 will remove the -mrelax-all
default at
, significantly decreasing the text section size for
Span-dependent instructions
In assembly languages, some instructions with an immediate operand can be encoded in two (or more) forms with different sizes. On x86-64, a direct JMP/JCC can be encoded either in 2 bytes with a 8-bit relative offset or 6 bytes with a 32-bit relative offset. A short jump is preferred because it takes less space. However, when the target of the jump is too far away (out of range for a 8-bit relative offset), a near jump must be used.
1 | ja foo # jump short if above, 77 <rel8> |
A 1978 paper by Thomas G. Szymanski ("Assembling Code for Machines with Span-Dependent Instructions") used the term "span-dependent instructions" to refer to such instructions with short and long forms. Assemblers grapple with the challenge of choosing the optimal size for these instructions, often referred to as the "branch displacement problem" since branches are the most common type. A good resource for understanding Szymanski's work is Assembling Span-Dependent Instructions.